Le interviste del Direttore: Roberto Bertollini
Intervista a Roberto Bertollini dell’Università di Lisbona.
Ultime Notizie
Intervista a Roberto Bertollini dell’Università di Lisbona.
Tons of unsold products would be destroyed by Amazon every year. The e-commerce company starts news projects for the circular economy and the third sector. Less waste and more revenues for SMEs are the intentions behind these projects.
Intervista a Giulia Giuffrè di Irritec.
Cop26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, will be held in Glasgow from November 1st to 12th 2021. Meanwhile, in Milan, Youth4Climate has just ended and the Pre-Cop event is about to begin: climate change is a necessary topic to talk about.
Intervista a David Löwe di Everdrop.
Intervista a Rossella Cardone di Ericsson.
Intervista a Stefania Iandolo di Schneider Electric.
Intervista a Maurizio Pernice, Direttore di ISIN.
Intervista a Nicola Semeraro di Rilegno.
Intervista Andrea Sentimenti, Direttore Marketing e Innovazione di Bormioli Pharma.
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