10 sustainable ideas for 2021

10 sustainable ideas for 2021

With small actions, you can actually achieve a great effect. In January, it is quite common setting new resolutions and goals.

Here is a list of 10 sustainable actions suggested by WWF Switzerland, to have a fresh (and eco-friendly) start in the new year.


Meat-free meals

WWF Switzerland suggests enjoying meat-free meals. Indeed, according to Ombar “the production of plant-based foods is a more efficient use of our resources, as it requires less energy from fossil fuels as well as less land and water. By removing animal products from our diet we can play our part in reducing humanity’s damaging impact on our environment.” The worldwide promotion "Veganuary” takes part in January; why not give it a try?


Move for the climate

If you often take your bike, you can beat two birds with one stone: it promotes your fitness and at the same time it is good for the carbon footprint. WWF suggests taking the train and bus for longer distances, while short trips can be easily taken on foot.


Avoid Food waste

A short purpose, but an important one: buy only what you really need - especially if food. 


Enjoy holidays in places near you

To avoid carbon footprint impact, and to pollute how about approaching a slow tourism lifestyle


Buy secondhand or buy something really necessary

Before making each new purchase, consider whether it is necessary according to WWF’s consumer pyramid: 

  • Borrow or trade
  • Buy secondhand
  • Do it yourself
  • Buy sustainable, organic and fair

Mind your car’s emissions

Cars are responsible for around 12% of total EU emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas. That is why the regulation (EC) 443/2009 sets mandatory emission reduction targets for new cars. The first target fully applied from 2015 onward and a new target will be phased in in 2020 and fully apply from 2021 onward. From 2021, the EU fleet-wide average emission target for new cars will be 95 g CO2/km. This emission level corresponds to fuel consumption of around 4.1 l/100 km of petrol or 3.6 l/100 km of diesel. Since 2019, the penalty is €95 for each g/km of target exceedance.


Choose renewables

Fortunately, it does not always have to be exhausting to implement good intention. The switch to ecological electricity, for example, takes about three minutes, but the effect extends far into the future. Instead of keep exploiting fossil fuels, renewable energies are promoted with every kilowatt-hour consumed.


Manage your money with an ethical bank

Have you ever wondered what your bank is doing with the money entrusted to it? We believe that you should not give up full responsibility for the impact of your savings on the environment and society at the bank counter. Find out whether if and how your bank is ecofriendly and what alternatives are available.


Recycle and reduce plastic

Plastic is everywhere, and its impact is not limited to the oceans (anymore). Plastic materials can be found in terrestrial deposits and atmospheric disturbances too. Try to recycle plastic bottles or get creative in reusing single-use plastic materials.


Replace your oil or gas heater

Consider replacing your oil, gas and electric heating systems with climate-friendly alternatives. Compared to a heat pump, district heating or wood pellet firing, oil and gas heating produce more CO2 emissions, while electric heating wastes around six time as much energy compared to the best heating technologies. Find out why switching to renewable heating systems is worthwhile.


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